December 1, 2014

Day 5 of 100 - Bored :|

A day passed by. I mean 24 hours passed by....I can feel each and every minute passing by supposedly there is no motivation left. I mean the general trend of joining MBA school is to get the job of your choice. After attending the PPO, the major motivators of my life has been fulfilled. Now what??

Now I wait to live my dream. The dream of completing my post graduate from one of the best institutes of the nation. This is a dream which I dreamed of from long. Wearing the gown and cap and holding the degree :) I hope to make my parents proud. We all live to make our future wonderful. Keep on postponing our wishes and desires. I agree sometimes we need to. But many times we need not push them. Simply choose to live a moment and trust me, that moment will last with you forever.

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